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الثلاثاء، 27 مارس 2012

The World's Smallest City?

This is Stan Munro,

and this is his city...

The image above is of Toothpick City. As the name implies it's a city made out of toothpicks, a lot of toothpicks. Now some of the buildings in the picture above may look familiar and they should as all of his creations are scale models of real famous buildings around the world.

   It took Stan Munro (38) 6 years to build this toothpick city. He used 6 million toothpicks and 170 litres of glue. He can spend until 6 months to create a building and each of his creations is built to 1:164 scale. He works at the Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse, New York (USA). Look after the jump the amazing works of one of the most patient men in the world.

الأحد، 25 مارس 2012

Facebook Cafe's around the world>>>

 A Cafe where you can write on walls, poke others, and like them too. 

Facebook Café & Restaurant in northern port city of Alexandria,Egypt.Photographed by:Heidi Shaheen 
                                             take a look inside.. u can ignore people face to face

                                     Facebook Cafe sign - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

    Facebook menu

Facebook cafe' near the American University of Kuwait...

 Now someone needs to open up a FarmVille mini-market right next door. 

السبت، 24 مارس 2012

This's definitely'''''''''ART''''''''


oh..... nooooo

will he jump????? that's really DeeP!!!! 

...... Wow

yeah ,,, faster

  Amazing Art left me speechless.... so?

DON'T judge a book by its cover>>> it's what's inside that counts>>>


 I started this blog to share with you stuff that interest you in different ways which maybe unusual or just a new culture you never heard of in your life.
 Anyway we'll be talking about events, pictures, people, (dead people) , buildings, animals or instincts...ect, that i may find at different sites on the internet.
  Hop u like it ... 
see u around......